Community Life

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Our St Leonard’s community extends beyond the walls of our church buildings. Many of our people are involved across a wide range of community activities that add value to their lives and enrich our collective experience of the world in which we live. Some areas that we are focussed on include a growing understanding of environmental issues led by our LEAF Group, as well as sharing our Christian commitment to the Bayside area with other churches in the area through our Covenant Churches alliance. 

Our Church Community

Periodically we focus our attention on issues of the world through specific Social Justice Forums on issues of interest to ourselves and the community at large. We also have an annual Social Justice Sunday where these issues become the focus of our Sunday worship services.

Our St Leonard’s people are involved in a wide range of external activities, that are primarily focussed on supporting people and groups in the community who need support in some way. 

Many of these activities have been operating for quite a number of years, while others are more recent initiatives, such as our annual Coffee Cup Challenge where we raise money to support homeless people. 


LEAF Environmental Group

St Leonard’s Environment and Action in Faith Our LEAF group seeks to inspire, embolden, and empower people within our church…

UnitingWorld Logo


Each year our Christmas Day offerings are donated to the UnitingWorld Christmas Appeal. UnitingWorld is the international aid and partnerships…

Mayflower Singers

Mayflower Singers

For many years a group of dedicated people have formed a ‘choir’ to lighten the day of the residents at…

Our Church Community

Social Groups

The St Leonard’s community has an active social life for people of all ages and interests. Some of our groups…

Uniting Church Logo Wide

Presbytery and Synod

As part of the Uniting Church in Australia we are integrally linked to the other branches of our church through…

Asylum Seekers Resource Centre

Asylum Seekers Resource Centre

There are several St Leonard’s people who are involved with the ASRC and regularly attend meetings and support the activities…


Coffee Cup Challenge raising money for homelessness

Coffee Cup Challenge 2023-24

October 1st 2023 was International Coffee Day and marked the beginning of the annual Coffee Cup Challenge. What is The Coffee Cup Challenge? Those participating in The Coffee Cup challenge are asked to donate the cost of one cup of coffee each week,…

Caritas Group July 2023


The Caritas group comprises ladies from across our congregations who seek to discover practical ways to be God’s women and to develop their faith journey in a supportive and nurturing environment. Caritas meets fortnightly on Thursday mornings. The location can change so please…


LEAF Environmental Group

St Leonard’s Environment and Action in Faith Our LEAF group seeks to inspire, embolden, and empower people within our church family and our local Bayside community to ACT on the emergency of climate change and environmental destruction in our precious God-given world. “I…

St Leonard's Pantry

St Leonard’s Pantry

Many people contribute meals to support those in our local community who are facing short term challenges and need a meal or two from time to time. Meals are collected or delivered to the church stored in the freezer and distributed to those…

Uniting Church Logo Wide

Presbytery and Synod

As part of the Uniting Church in Australia we are integrally linked to the other branches of our church through Presbytery and Synod. St Leonard’s is part of the Port Phillip East Presbytery and the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania. Further details can…

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